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Data Security : 4 steps towards getting started on your data protection.

3 octobre 2019

Dawizz redaction


In recent years, the month of October has been dedicated to cybersecurity awareness. It's an opportunity to share and reinforce best practices in data security, and to address the growing concerns related to computer and server protection.

Understanding the Importance

Every week, news headlines feature computer security issues. Many people tend to downplay these concerns with statements like:

  • "It only happens to big multinationals."
  • "What could anyone want to steal?"
  • "How can you expect me to remember 5 passwords?"

But the reality is different. Data protection is a critical issue, regardless of the size of your organization or your role.

Where to Begin?

To establish a robust data security framework, you first need to assess your current data security practices. Unfortunately, there's no one-size-fits-all solution for securing your data. It requires a series of deliberate actions. To illustrate this, consider your home security:

Just as it would be unwise to have a single key for your gate, front door, garage door, garden shed, car, and bike lock, it's equally risky to use the same key for all your digital access points.

A Data Security Checklist

Here are four fundamental steps to either start or improve your data protection efforts:

  1. Secure All Points of Access: Implement proper password management and adhere to daily best practices. For instance, always lock your workstation when leaving your office. You can refer to the guidelines provided by the French National Cyber Security Agency (ANSSI) for practical advice and awareness resources tailored to different industries.

  2. Identify Your Company's Data: Understanding your data is crucial to ensuring its security. Surprisingly, many organizations overlook this step, leading to ill-informed decisions. While it may be time-consuming, this phase is indispensable and should not be underestimated.

  3. Organize Your Team: Having designated security and compliance advisors in each sector streamlines communication and collaboration. Remember that security is a collective responsibility and shouldn't solely rely on the IT department.

  4. Establish Incident Response Procedures: Preparation is key when dealing with operational issues. Having well-defined procedures in place can greatly ease the process during a security incident. In such cases, you can also seek assistance from ANSSI. Check their incident management section for valuable resources.

Data Security

Remember, safeguarding your data is not just a task but a continuous commitment to protect your digital assets.