Wavestone’s Radar 2019 of Cyber Security Startups
24 septembre 2019
Dawizz redaction
Wavestone’s radar 2019 of French cyber security startups has just been published. And guess what?
Dawizz figures in the Data Security category!
This radar is an integral part of a more extensive study of the cyber security market and the challenges met by startups of this ecosystem. The key question is how to help boost the development of these startups, of which Dawizz is one.
The cyber security ecosystem has been growing very fast for several years. Market needs are increasingly pressing and business owners are meeting them with ever more innovative solutions. The AI boom is definitely playing a role. 19% of the startups identified are already using Artificial Intelligence in their products.
“How can we consolidate this?”
Here lies the true problem. Big groups are still reticent to work directly with startups and very young companies. One solution suggested in this study is an incubation period and a POC (Proof of concept) transition phase. This tests the product’s robustness, building the mutual trust you need for the success of any project.
If you would like to see the study, please click here
Wavestone cyber security radar Dawizz
With MyDataCatalogue, Dawizz offers its clients a large range of data compliance and data security tools, to improve the quality of their data and facilitate working together and sharing their data.