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20 novembre 2020

Dawizz redaction

Where Do We Stand on Data Ethics?
Data Ethic

Over the years, we have seen a real boom in digital technology in the context of our work and in our private lives. The volume of data created and exchanged continues to grow. The way in which it is processed has become increasingly elaborate. The value of some particular types of data continues to rise, which highlights its vulnerability even further. Data development is not without problems, and raises its own set of questions. This is the source of the term data ethics.

Legislation is changing

Current legislation provides a framework for using data. But it is struggling to adapt to a world that is reinvented every day. What with the large-scale application of Artificial Intelligence, IoT, the increasing use of algorithms, things are changing constantly. How can you legislate in such a shifting context, with technology developing at a mind-boggling speed? Therein lies the whole problem.

When GDPR, the European data protection regulation, was introduced in 2018, it provided a legal framework on the use of personal data. This was an initial step. However, there are a great number of companies and organizations battling with the reality and difficulties of implementing this legal text.

And where does digital society come into all this?

Digital society questions the best way to protect the private life of e-citizens and the freedom of internet users. And this despite some glaring contradictions… This is how the idea of data ethics formed. It is everyone’s role to question the moral principles that should be applied to “data management” and particularly the way in which these are put into practice.

Could data compliance be the solution?

Adopting a data compliance approach might be the first way to address the challenging issue of data ethics, referring to the legal framework, current standards, actively watching technology and its daily application.

One thing is certain: Today, an organization that invests in digital confidence and the prevention of cyber risks has a considerable competitive edge and will be preparing a brighter future.